Saturday, January 8, 2011


Why did I do it? Why did I let my guard down. I've always told friends that the moment you start to drift away from the one who's broken your heart, the person stops on by, committing himself fully to fucking with your mind. I cannot, cannot, cannot believe that I even, for one swift moment, a breath, a heartbeat, let this person make me feel anything short of contempt.
I do well with contempt. It suits me. I do it well. I'm great at bitter, phenomenal at vengeful. It's my thing, not letting go, not accepting the truth, even when it screws me over or slaps me in the face. Not even when it humiliates me in front of those I love, cherish and respect.
I'm also good at kicking myself when I'm down. I'm great at reminding myself that I ignored my gut once again, only to discover I'm my own worst enemy.

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